Day 67- Boat Rides and Caves

We did a lot the past few days, let me get you caught up. On Tuesday  we went to Tarza Water Park as  we glided on the flow rider (the wave machine). On Wednesday we hiked through thick jungle down a long muddy trail. The trail crawled through large rocks and huge drops. Soon we arrived at the end of the trail. There was a rock wall that hung above us, and two black holes that slithered into the ground. Taking our flashlights we crawled into one of the holes, and found ourselves going down a rocky chute. Soon the little cave  spread out into a large cavern, but instead of a rocky ground, it was an entire underground pool. 
We walked into the water and swam through the glass water that rippled against the walls. There was another little hole inside the cavern. We squeezed through the hole, and an even bigger cavern opened up. We floated along the still water and through the dagger like rock formations. Tiny little holes on the walls gave home to the cockroaches that scurried about.
We then hiked to a rock cliff, where the waves mercilessly pounded the shore.
On Thursday nothing happened.
On Friday we tried a new water park. We payed and entered into a huge area, with slides twisting over our heads, and beach chairs lounging under the sun next to the bubbling hot tub, and the flat pool. We ran to one of the rides. It was a huge sixty-foot high half pipe. We climbed to one of the edges, hopped into our inter tube, and fell. We came up the other side then back down again. In fact it was so fast that afterwards a headache erupted in my head, and so did a bloody nose.
The water park also had a zip line that stretched over the length of the area, and let you fly over the winding lazy river, and the light cyan pools. It was amazing.

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